Investor Databases

Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute (SWFI)

Las Vegas (hq) | +global staff
40+ employees

The Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute (SWFI) is an information source on sovereign wealth funds, central banks, pensions and other long-term public institutional investors.

Subscribers can view information on institutional investors and other entities – including asset allocation data, organizational details, ownership information, RFPs and mandates, fund commitments, investment preferences and contact information.

As part of its coverage, the database also contains information on investor transactions and the funds they have allocated to.

The SWFI also publishes news and analysis, and runs a conference series that brings together asset owners and managers.

The SWFI was founded in 2007 and its databases contain approximately 600,000 profiles, 129,000 transactions and 85,000 contacts. Some of its data can be viewed on its public-facing site.

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