Investment Platforms


New York (hq) | Princeton | Greenwich | Boston | Birmingham, AL | Boca Raton | Toronto | Zurich | London | Lisbon | Hong Kong | Singapore
1,130 employees

iCapital is a global alternative investment marketplace that provides end-to-end technology and service solutions that facilitate high net worth access to alternative investments.

The platform offers wealth advisors and their clients access to private investments including equity, credit, real estate, infrastructure, hedge funds, structured investments, annuities, and risk-managed solutions.

iCapital’s research and diligence team offers analysis alongside the firm’s suite of advisor education, compliance, portfolio management, and portfolio analytics tools and services.

The firm enables organizations to streamline their operational infrastructure for alternative investments and to provide access to direct investments and feeder funds at lower minimums through simplified digital workflows.

iCapital was founded in 2013. As of April 2023, it was servicing $157+ billion in global client assets across 1,270+ funds.

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