The Fund Marketer's Forum

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About the Forum

The Fund Marketer's Forum is a free, private, online discussion and information forum for client-facing professionals at investment managers across asset classes.

An image showing a screenshot of a forum page.

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We're building the forum as a place where fund sales, marketing and IR professionals gain knowledge, feedback and insights to become more informed and effective in their roles.


The forum is a peer-only community of US-based, client-facing professionals at investment managers with more than $200 million in AUM.


Professionals can help each other by sharing knowledge and recommendations on industry trends, products and services, careers and conferences.


We regularly post insights, news and updates from our research at The Fund Marketer. This information feed is only shared on the forum.


Promotion of funds, products or services is prohibited in forum discussions. Participant information is not shared outside the forum.


The forum is private and password-protected. Professionals can participate on an anonymous basis and can use their personal emails when signing up.


There's no cost to join the forum. Like everything on The Fund Marketer, it's a free resource for client-facing professionals at investment managers.

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